Understanding Crystal Healing: A Scientific Breakdown

Understanding Crystal Healing: A Scientific Breakdown

Crystals are wonderful healing tools and supports that allow us to do some emotional and physical healing with less effort. They do so by changing our frequency and the frequency of our environment. They are also conduits of energy, they allow energy to flow easier from mother earth, the cosmos, the multiverse, source energy.

In this post I will explain the science behind why and how crystals are able to do that. Working with crystals might seem a bit woo woo at first, but crystals aren’t just magic, the way they work is based on scientific fact. And in understanding that you gain so much more confidence in working with them.

Becoming “High Vibe”

So we hear it everywhere the term high vibe and becoming high vibrational, what does that mean?

How do Crystals influence our energy and allow us to raise our vibration?

Quantum physics has taught us that everything in the universe is made up of vibrating energy,  you, me, the sky, everything.

Crystals, just like everything else in this universe, are also made of vibrating energy.

They are natural solids made from minerals formed on the Earth's surface. Their molecules are arranged in a highly ordered repeating pattern that is geometrically perfect or as perfect as you can get in nature. This results in each Crystal having one very specific, stable vibrational frequency.

Human molecules on the other hand are not geometrically perfect.

We are made up of different organs, each organ has a different atomic arrangement which makes each organ vibrate at a different frequency. Our liver has one frequency, our heart has another, and our brain has its own frequency.

We are a collection of different frequencies, which makes our overall vibrational energy very unstable and very easily influenced.

Human Energy vs. Crystal Energy

Human energy is more easily influenced by factors outside our control, the slightest thing happening in our environment causes us to go off balance, the weather, a mean comment online, traffic, etc.

Crystals on the other hand have a much more stable vibrational frequency which they easily maintain - that is due to their molecular pattern being the most orderly in nature.

Crystals’ molecular stability and precision gives them their stronger, higher amplitude frequency which resist influences that might challenge other materials, like us, who are very unstable because of our lots of different vibrational frequencies.

This is the reason why crystal energy influences ours.

Crystals entrain the energy around them. They take over and supersede our energy, the energy of our environment etc, and as a result, they act like tuning forks, helping bring harmony to the very unstable energy field of the human body.

That's why you should always remember that crystals are not just magical wands; they are natural tools. The main purpose of working with these tools is to become a vibrational match to them and align ourselves with their unique vibrational frequency.

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