Tools for self-discovery, using the wisdom of the Earth
ethically sourced, intuitively selected crystals and mystical tools for your expansion

Discover Your Personal Energy with Our FREE Chakra Assessment

Empowered Clients

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and go within - then choose the energy you feel most called towards.

We recommend:
Pyrite is an excellent stone for manifestation work, as it helps you take action to create abundance in your life. It helps you ground your ideas into action, push through with your dreams and thrive!
Place a piece of Pyrite in the left corner of your home, office, or even desk space, which is considered the wealth corner in Feng Shui, to welcome more prosperity into your life and cultivate an abundance mindset.

We recommend:
Selenite is fast and effective at cleansing the auric field, it helps clear congested energies or negativity from your physical and etheric body. It also promotes the feelings of calm and serinity.
Pass a Selenite Stick down all sides of your body, over your head, under your arms, under both feet and between your legs to clear your aura and energy system of any negative debris.

We recommend:
A great love attractor, it grounds your heart center, which helps you make choices from a place of love. It boosts feelings of courage especially when it comes to finding and attracting love.
Meditate with a piece of Rhodonite on your heart chakra to help stimulate and support acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love towards others and clear the way towards loving relationships.

We recommend:
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline has a purifying and protective energy that helps neutralize imbalances and elevate consciousness. It shields the aura from people and situations that emanate “bad vibes” including our own negative thought patterns.
Create a shield against negative energy by placing black tourmaline pieces in all four corners of a room or property. This helps transmute the negative energy and stress coming into the space and creates a positive, cozy, and comfy atmosphere.

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